7 Cervical Cancer Symptoms That Every Women Should Know About


Here are 7 cervical cancer symptoms that every woman should know about. These are some of the most common indications of cervical cancer that most individuals ignore. Learning about the signs and symptoms of cervical cancer sooner can help secure your life.

Cervical cancer is among the leading causes of death in various developing countries due to the lack of annual checkups and pap smears. The most common cause of cervical cancer is (HPV) also known as human papillomavirus. Certain types of 
human papillomavirus
 can rapidly enhance the spread of the cancerous cells.

Although most individuals don’t face early indications of this dangerous disease, paying attention to your body can help you detect it sooner.

7 Cervical Cancer Symptoms That Every Women Should Know About

Abnormal Discharge

As cancer starts to spread within the cervix, the uterine wall will begin to decompose, which causes foul-smelling discharge, yellowish discharge, and darkish coloured liquid.

Genital Warts

The visibility of genital warts inside or outside the vagina is caused by HPV infection which enhances the chances of developing cervical cancer.


Anaemia is a common sign of certain types of cancers, especially cervical cancers due to heavy bleeding and bleeding during menstrual cycles. A rapid heartbeat along with fatigue are early symptoms of anaemia.

Pain or Bleeding

Cervical cancer causes cancer cells and tumours to flourish multiplies on the wall of the uterus leading to dryness. This causes discomfort, dryness, spotting, heavy menstrual cycles and bleeding between that occurs between menstrual cycles.

Pain And Swelling

As cancer spreads to other organs in your body, blood vessels and circulation are affected as well. This may result in hip pain, leg pain, back pain, swelling in the ankles and other parts of the body.

Urinary Tract Infections

Inlarged cervix puts stress on the bladder and kidneys, which leads to issues with urination. There may also be frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs) and pain during urination as well as the problem in emptying out the bladder when urinating.


One of the early symptoms of cancer is weight loss which is usually due to loss of appetite. If you are suddenly losing weight without trying, we suggested that you contact your physician immediately.

Bottom Line

There you have it, now you know about the 7 most commonly cervical cancer symptoms to help you stay safe. If you liked this article or found it helpful, please share it with your friends and family and also follow us on Pinterest for more helpful tips.

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