Cracked Heels
A common occurrence especially during summertime, fissures or cracked heels can sometimes be painful for one who has it especially when it has dug deeper into your skin. Aside from that, it can be embarrassing when exposed while wearing flip flops, thongs, and sandals. This condition can affect people from all ages although adults are more prone to experiencing this condition as aging is one contributing factor along with overexposure to dry air, lack of enough moisture, poor foot hygiene, unhealthy diet, diabetes, and hypothyroidism among others.

Milk and Honey Moisturizer + Exfoliator
Milk works best for the skin. If combined with honey, which contains antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, it can be a good exfoliator, moisturizer, and treatment for athlete’s foot and other foot diseases at the same time.
Prepare a basin and mix well
  • 2 cups of milk
  • 1 cup of honey
Soak your feet for about 15 minutes. You can also warm the milk if desired for a more comfortable feeling but make sure that you do not heat it much because it will burn and dry your feet. Wash your feet afterwards and pat it dry. Repeat this twice a week.
Glycerin and Rosewater Moisturizer
Glycerin is widely used especially in cosmetic products being an effective moisturizer. When mixed with rosewater, which contains Vitamins A, B3, C, D, and E, along with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, it becomes a perfect solution for cracked heels. You can mix together
  • 1 teaspoon of glycerin
  • 1 teaspoon of rosewater
Massage it gently on your feet especially on the affected areas. Leave it overnight with your feet wrapped with clean, cotton socks.
You can also use this as a foot soak. All you need to do is add to half a basin of warm water lemon juice, a teaspoon of salt, rosewater and glycerin. Soak your feet for 20 minutes and pat it dry.    
Rice Flour Exfoliating Scrub
One way to remove dry and dead skin on your feet and smoothing it out is by exfoliating it using your very own rice flour exfoliating scrub. To make the scrub, mix well
  • 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons of honey
  • 3 tablespoons of rice flour
  • 3 drops of olive oil in a small basin or bowl
Before applying, make sure you have soaked your feet on a basin of warm water for about 20 minutes to soften your skin. Apply the scrub and gently rub on your feet concentrating more on the affected areas. Repeat this for at least twice a week for better results.
Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) and other Oils (Almond, Olive, Grapeseed, and Sesame) for Massage
Massaging your heels and feet not only soothes your walkers but help in regulating the circulation of blood. Using essentials oils as natural moisturizers can help heal cracked heels. You can use Virgin Coconut Oil alone or mix all these oils and massage unto your feet, concentrating on the most affected areas for about 10 minutes then locking in moisture by wearing clean cotton socks.
ABC (Avocado-Banana-Coconut) Mask
Avocado has natural fatty acids, essential oils, and fat soluble vitamins that can moisturize the skin and enzymes to help repair damaged tissues. To prepare the mask, mash together
  • 1 banana
  • half an avocado
  • coconut meat (about the same quantity as the banana)
Apply the paste directly on your feet, carefully massaging it. Leave it for 20 minutes then wash it off with lukewarm water and pat it dry.
Epsom Salt Soak
Epsom salt is known for being a natural remedy for numerous conditions especially those that affect the skin. It is easily absorbed by the skin and can soothe your stressed feet, relieve athlete’s foot, and cure fungal infections. Soaking your feet for 10 minutes in a basin with warm water mixed with half a cup of Epsom salt is effective in healing your cracked heels. You can rub your feet with pumice stone and pat it dry with a clean towel. Finish it off by applying petroleum jelly and locking in moisture on your feet by wearing cotton socks overnight. Repeat this for twice a week.
Vinegar Soak
Vinegar, especially apple cider, is good in treating various skin conditions. However, if applied directly on your skin, it can cause dryness. For that reason, it is not recommended that you apply it directly on your skin. Make sure to mix quarter cup of vinegar and about the same amount of olive oil in half a basin of warm water. Soak your feet for 10-15 minutes and gently rub it with a pumice stone. Pat your walkers dry with a clean towel and moisturize.
Paraffin Wax
Aside from giving the skin numerous benefits (dead skin removal and cure for dry skin and cracked feet), paraffin wax can help in relieving painful muscles and joints. Microwave paraffin wax to melt it and add VCO or mustard oil. Allow the mixture to cool and coat your feet overnight then wear clean cotton socks. Do this for daily for 15 days to achieve the best results.
Papaya-Lemon Mask
Lemon is known for its exfoliating properties and effectiveness in getting off of dead skin. Papaya on the other hand has enzymes that smoothens the skin. When combined as a paste, it can be an effective remedy for cracked heels. Mix mashed papaya and lemon juice together and apply the paste directly on your feet. Let it stay for 15 minutes and wash your feet in a basin of warm water mixed with lemon juice. Soak for another 15 minutes. You may use pumice stone to scrub off dead skin and pat it dry with a clean towel. 
Jojoba and Oatmeal Mask
Both having moisturizing properties, joboba oil and oatmeal are great for the skin. Simply mix a teaspoon oatmeal and the desired amount of oil to form a thick paste and apply it directly on your feet leaving it for 20 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water and pat it dry with a clean towel.
DIY Foot Ointment
Applying ointment on your feet overnight can give you a soothing feeling and help in moisturizing your dry walkers. Make sure to lock in moisture by wearing clean cotton socks. To create your very own ointment, you can mix together a quarter cup of coconut oil and the same amount of magnesium flakes as well as shea butter, 2 tablespoons of boiling water, and 3 tablespoons of beeswax.

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