5 Synthetic Toxins You Need to Avoid

As a consequence of today’s modern time, more and more people are resorting into an unhealthy lifestyle. There are some who forget the importance of exercise for the health and fail to eat the right foods as well.
5 Synthetic Toxins You Need to Avoid

As a result, the body is not supplied with the nutrients needed for a healthy functioning.
If you want to make a big change in your life, you can consider rethinking of the way you eat, specifically by taking a look at the ingredients used in the food you consume.
Processed foods, for instance, among others are plagued with health risks you can only avoid if you stop eating them. More than your food, however, there are also synthetic toxins found in the products you use in the house, such as in the case of cleaning agents and in paints.
In the rest of this article, you will know some of the most common synthetic toxins you should avoid.
By getting rid of them in your life, you are being a step closer in achieving a healthier body free from chemicals and toxins.

5 Synthetic Toxins That Are Hazardous to Our Health


For sure, eating fruits and vegetables can be good for your health. However, it will only be good if it is grown organically or in the absence of using pesticides, which can be a significant source of synthetic toxins.

The residues that are left behind from the use of pesticides can cause cancer and birth defects. Even if your wash them before eating, these residues can possibly remain.
More so, the synthetic toxins in pesticides can also pose serous risks when they are used to kill bugs, fleas, and other insects inside the house. In order to get rid of the, regular cleaning of the house and the use of natural products will prove to be excellent alternatives.
Triclosan: This toxin is commonly found in some toothpastes and soaps. According to several studies in the past, it is risky because it has been linked to the disruption of the functioning of the thyroid, as well as affecting hormone levels.
They are often used in products labeled as antibacterial. In reality, however, this is also the leading cause of the promotion of the growth of bacteria, and hence, being more dangerous for your health.
With this, you might want to just use old-fashioned warm water and soap, specifically one without this synthetic toxin.
Sodium Nitrates and Nitrites: These are commonly used as an additive for processed meats and fishes, which is basically because it helps to make the shelf life longer and also for the inhibition of bacterial growth.
This is also the one responsible for the attractive color of the fish or meat. However, according to the American Medical Association, this toxin can lead to brain and gastrointestinal cancer.
It is also said to be a leading cause of a health problem known as methemoglobinemia, which refers to the failure of the red blood cells through transport the oxygen that the body needs. For infants and young children, it is also believed to be a precursor of Type 1 Diabetes.
Bisphenol-A: Also called as BPA, this is commonly found in packaging of foods and drinks.
They are commonly found in the lining of the packaging of canned foods and bottled drinks, as well as in medical devices.
According to several studies, the exposure to such can be harmful because it can lead into being at higher risk of having prostate and breast cancer. It is also believed to be a major influence on diabetes, obesity, and behavioral and reproductive health problems.
Recombitant Bovine Growth Hormone: This refers to a synthetic hormone that is often used by farmers and injected on their cows in order to increase their milk production.
This is known to be dangerous for cows because they develop udder infection known as mastitis More so, milk from animals given such hormone is said to high in Insulin Growth Factor-1, which has been previously linked to certain cases of prostate, colon and breast cancer.
Because of this, it is important to be more concerned about where you are sourcing your milk and dairy products. Make sure that they are organic and not from cows given such hormone.

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